
Looking for Something Fresh, check out Delco: The Movie

Three friends from a sheltered corner of the world choose to break the bonds of the mundane and live life to its fullest, if only for one night.

Right off the bat, this film is giving me a mix of Superbad, Garden State, and Clerks vibes, and I love it.

I left school in 2004, so this film doesn’t just speak to me. It practically screams at me. Not only that, I saved most of my rebellious actions until that summer of 2004, so I can definitely relate to this movie.

Delco: The movie seems like the kind of movie for someone who loves their hoke so much they endlessly critique it. Yet, they probably wouldn’t swap the boring days with their friends there for anything else.

If you want something original, this will be the film for you.

Categories: Films

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