
MCM London 2024 Day 3

Oh God, I think I’m dying. Three days at a convention, and I am a broken man. But dam it, it was definitely worth it. And I’m counting down the days till I get to go back.

Most of my day was pretty chill, right up until my first pannel, one featuring the stars of Ted Lasso. This pannel was funny yet heartwarming, and if you follow our socials, you will be seeing plenty of clips from it.

Next up was heroes from the Star Wars universe, including the Armourer from the Mandalorian and Boba Fett himself, Temuera Morrison. The pannel was really insightful and showed the best of the Star Wars fandom.

But I must say, Temuera Morrison is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Thirdly was another Baldurs gate pannel, and as with the last one, Andrew Wincott stole the show.

Before the day was done, I snuck in one final pannel on how to earn a living wage as an artist. This is where MCM truly shines. These talks are so informative and help blur the lines between attendees and guests.

As with the previous day, there was an abundance of amazing cosplay.

MCM once again truly shines as one of the UK’s best conventions. Every year, they continue to grow and improve, and I can’t wait to get back there in October.

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